Are you in the Civil Service? Often times the people that we rely on the most are the ones that most often overlooked. Yes, we’re talking about our teachers, police officers and firemen. Did you know that there are special incentives just for people who work in civil service?
At Luxury Units we know how important these individuals are to our community and therefore we have done extensive homework to find as many incentives as possible to ensure they are able to afford the home of their dreams. We have found out that many people in Civil Service are mostly renters because they fear they won’t qualify for home loan. At Luxury Units we are working very hard to remedy that including looking for lenders that aware of this situation. In the long run, renting is not a financially sound decision. We believe that homeownership is the way to go!
We have worked closely to this community in the past and we know how crucial they are to our community’s success and we are continuously working to improve their quality of life.